Hi Zoe!

I wanted to respond to your blog post because I noticed that we had the same video, and also similar critiques of the video, such as how this video would work very well as an EdPuzzle activity.

Something you mentioned in your post, that I did not, was the drawbacks of using EdPuzzle activities. While this is a really excellent resource, you are right to bring up the barriers presented with these activities. While it is common to think of online tools and resources as being more accessible and inclusive, those barriers are still in place. While considering various barriers such as students who are visually impaired or hard of hearing, or simply struggle with reading, it is important to address ways that we can adapt the EdPuzzle to meet the accessibility needs of all students. Your suggestions of how we can make EdPuzzle more accessible are fantastic, accessible, but also realistic which is very important. These are adaptations and accommodations that are easy to implement and make the most sense to include in all online activities that students will participate in. Overall this was a great post and I am so glad that you addressed these accessibility requirements!